WhatsApp Loyalty – Instant Messaging Loyalty Program

WhatsApp Loyalty – Instant Messaging Loyalty Program | CX Box
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It is no more a hassle to reward customers with loyalty points. At present, many brands interact with their customers more on social networks. This is nothing new to observe as the popularity already grew and customers are also more active in these channels.  

This adaptation towards a social change with shorter or instantaneous response time has made companies understand that they had to work towards an omnichannel communication strategy through instant messaging applications like building WhatsApp Loyalty not only to increase their sales flow but also to enhance customer loyalty.

What is a WhatsApp-Based Loyalty Program?

A WhatsApp loyalty program is an instant message that businesses use to promote customer loyalty. Typically, this offers a discount or incentive through WhatsApp texts in the form of text, images, audio, videos, documents, etc. for customers who continue their business with the company. 

By offering a loyalty message to the customer’s WhatsApp number, businesses can encourage customers to keep coming back as they get reward according to the company’s loyalty rules. The best loyalty program company in Bangalore like CX Box turns a receipt into a loyalty voucher. For this, no hardware or software is required and all these can be done via WhatsApp or other IM services. 

How WhatsApp Loyalty Program Works?

WhatsApp loyalty programs are an inexpensive way for businesses to keep customers returning to their brand. Here’s how it works:

1. Customers will have to sign up either online, in-store, or via WhatsApp by sharing their numbers.
2. You have started sending messages about the discounts or offers you provide with loyalty rewards. 
3. The customers who feel it more impressive ensure to come in more frequently to redeem their rewards or accrue points toward coupons or prizes. 

There are not many complications about it because it is an easy way to target impulse memberships among your audience. you don’t have to waste your time, effort, or money by messaging people who are not actually interested in your rewards. If someone signs up, it is understood that they are eager to receive instant messages that incentivize them to come back. 

WhatsApp Loyalty Program  – Instant Messaging | CX Box

Ways to Boost Customer Loyalty Using WhatsApp Commerce

Here are some ways to boost WhatsApp Loyalty Programs

Personalized Offers

More than 55% of people feel more connected to brands that communicate via messenger/chat apps. WhatsApp messages allow brands to connect with customers on the go. Creating a relevant, customized interaction can build great relationships in the long run. 

Membership Rewards

A reward program may accelerate the loyalty life cycle that can be effectively conducted via WhatsApp. Educate customers about rewards and motivate them to earn those by sending customers loyalty alerts. By this, you can kickstart your WhatsApp loyalty program.

Abandoned Alerts

Automated cart and browser abandonment alerts are an excellent way to enhance customer relationships. Send alerts based on previous purchases or search history so that customers will feel more connected as they get to know that you keep track of their purchasing behavior

Ease of Transactions

Customers love ease especially when they browse, shop, or make payments. Instead of redirecting customers to your app or website, share a digital payment link via WhatsApp. This allows them to complete their transaction, boost customer loyalty and enhance retention. 

Customer Support and Feedback

The crucial part of any business is customer feedback. Brands can collect feedback, run surveys and conduct customer service via WhatsApp. If there is any grievance, it should be resolved on the go. Eventually, this can improve the customer’s experience. 

WhatsApp Loyalty Program | Best Loyalty company in india| CX Box

Data and Insights

To improve customer retention rates, you have to make use of the results from WhatsApp loyalty analytics by

  • Tracking the in-app behavior to figure out how customers use your product.
  • Segmenting customers based on their product or feature usage rates.
  • Sending NPS surveys for collecting valuable feedback and measuring customer loyalty.
  • Implement an effective customer loyalty program and encourage them to be your loyal customers.
  • Encouraging loyal customers to share reviews and participate in case studies.  

Advantages of WhatsApp Based Loyalty Program

Implementing a WhatsApp loyalty program for eCommerce has the following advantages:

  • It enables real-time conversations with the customers besides providing instant answers. 
  • It allows customers to take immediate action fostering sales enablement. 
  • It builds trust among customers with quality communication and continuous support.
  • It provides a secure platform for communicating with the customer. 
  • It gives your brand a good reach. 


WhatsApp loyalty programs are beneficial in numerous ways as it allows brands to build stronger relationships, nurture sales, and create customer retention besides capturing valuable user insights to improve their marketing efforts. With CX Box, the best loyalty program company in Bangalore, brands can execute their loyalty programs for customer engagement, customer retention, and first-party data collection.