
Best Loyalty Program management agency in India

Loyalty programs

Customer Loyalty Retail PoS ERP Solutions & Channel Loyalty Programs for Manufacturers

Channel Loyalty Programs

Our B2B Programs help in creating responsive partner network, End Consumer interaction and new partner or end consumer enrollment.

Customer Loyalty programs

Our B2C programs help in customer retention, More Customer Referrals,  Cost effective marketing and user generated reviews.

Employee Engagement

Our EE programs helps in employee performance, Employee retention, Quality Work and Commitment from employees.


How We Work.

Major steps in implementing a successful loyalty program with expected ROI.

Define the Scope

Understanding the exact scope of work and program purpose from the client.


Planning and Program ideation with industry expertise and allocated resources.


Customisations and implementing  program idea with available technology.


phase wise testing across data flow Program Architecture and transactional history.

Best Loyalty Program management agency in India

Reward Fulfillment Services

We at CXBOX offer a hassle free reward fulfilment for your customers, employees & partners and also we help in effortless incentive program structure for your channel loyalty programs

Best Channel Loyalty Programs in India

Loyalty Rules

Open Source Loyalty Framework to set loyalty rules like Points, Tiers, Coupons & Gifts

Best Channel Loyalty Programs in India

Member Recruitment

Real time Customer data and member Data recruitment through multiple data sources.


Lists and Report generation based on 30+ filters for easy analytics of customer transaction data.

Coupon Manager

Exclusive Coupon engine to generate coupons and track the redemption history of coupons.

Gift Manager

Secure access to gifts generation and Gifts Inventory tracking based on redemption values.

Campaign Management

Multiple target audience segmentation and automated campaigns with Approved templates.


Our Happy

Customisations are most trusted factor with our clients on executing programs based on their business needs. Our Healthcare loyalty program ideas really worked well for all our clients in healthcare industry.

Automobile Loyalty program
Retail loyalty programs for Sri kumarappa Silksby CXBOX
Healthcare loyalty programs for Kauvery hospital by CXBOX
Channel loyalty programs for Tikona Internet by CXBOX
Healthcare loyalty programs for GBR hospital by CXBOX
Channel loyalty programs for Turtlewax India by CXBOX
customer loyalty program for education
Loyalty programs for realestate companies