Loyalty Programs In Restaurant Marketing

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Restaurant Loyalty Program

Cxbox intiated a trusted restaurant marketing resource for customer retention and customer acquisition. This restaurant loyalty Program strategy helps restaurants go ahead in a fiercely competitive environment.

A complete restaurant loyalty guide for customer engagement

Customers always vist a place with high expectations. They expect good food, prompt experience and low price from the restaurant. Even if all the three parameters are provided by the brand we can’t expect or no guarantee that the customers will come back. A customer loyalty program begins from the start and stop the food of the customer and should provide a positive experience to bring them back. Restaurants should know more about their audience, reward their clients and increase the revenue with a positive ROI.


Every customer visits a restaurant for the first time with a purpose and restaurants should use this opportunity to get close with them by a personalized touch which allows the customers to come back. In earlier days, the table orders are booked without knowing the name and place where they come from to the branch of the restaurant. When you know about the customers location you can ask them to visit the nearby restaurant branch locations. Customer data plays a major role in Customer engagement programs for restaurants. Reward the customers who visited again and have done a higher purchase during their earlier visits by sending them messages, emails and app notifications.

Loyalty Programs In Restaurant Marketing | Restaurant Loyalty Program
Cxbox intiated a trusted restaurant marketing resource for customer retention and customer acquisition. This restaurant loyalty strategies helps restaurants go ahead in a fiercely competitive environment.


Understand the customers associated with restaurant brand and build a restaurant loyalty strategy which would work.VIP Customer bucket makes the list of premium clients of the restaurant by offering special rewards which are personalized. Today based on research we identified VIP Customer holds share in increasing the revenue by 25% in their upcoming visits to the restaurant outlets.


We have shared some restaurant loyalty programs which really worked well in the top restaurant brands in Asian countries like India,srilanka ,china etc..

1. Respond to feedback sales will grow – when customer does a purchase and need to share some feedback to the brand we should directly offer feedback platform. Whatever the response be from the customer when they receive a response from the brand they get impressed with brand and which may offer a reward to make the customer return back. Feedback can also be a form of survey to understand more about the customers.

2. Member registration for Restaurant loyalty programs- Bringing a customer to loyalty program is not that easy and internal teams should work hard on the member enrollment of loyalty programs. Once the audience wallet is ready for loyalty, Cxbox frames a exclusive loyalty strategies for each and every Restaurant brand based on the cuisine served, customer category, types of Customer value, collecting interested product categories and works on transition on existing process flow.

3. Personalized customer approach – The system before the sales executive explains the unconditional data of Customer engagement to make any executive get close to increase the lifetime value of Restaurant customer. Loyalty programs for Restaurant makes a approach in a truly personal way by the information in finger tips.

4. Increase INFLUENCERS – Always maintain healthy and hygiene conversation with the customers to convert them as a influencers for the Restaurant brand. Restaurant influencers may in any form like word of mouth, social media, office chat or any ways. Cxbox focusses more on offering influencers slots to mention and tag the Restaurant brand in further social communication.

We have wrote this article from cxboxon Restaurant loyalty programs to get high engagement rates and likely to drive repeat sales which enables to grow your business with brand advocates and loyal customers.