Loyalty program for cement industry

Loyalty program for cement industry
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We are familiar with the saying “You have to spend a lot more than usual to gain new customers compared to the existing ones”. This nugget of business wisdom being a cliché is repeated so often while designing the loyalty program for cement industry because it’s true! 

7 things to do while creating a loyalty program for cement industry

Convert negatives into positives

If the loyalty program for cement industry is customized keeping the customers in mind the chances of getting complaints is too less but unfortunately running into an unhappy customer, should be considered as an opportunity rather than a nuisance. 

The most important thing you can do is to give care, go one step above or beyond to solve their problem. This can resolve the issues, thoroughly, quickly, and with care

Loyalty program for cement industry

Conduct surveys and get the feedbacks frequently 

While implementing a loyalty program for cement industry, you ought to know and understand your customers so well because each effort you make in the business will almost help you learn something new. 

Enquire the customers about their needs as it is a fact that they will appreciate you when you listen to them and tune your business with their needs to enhance the loyalty by serving the individual needs of your customers.

Reward and honour your customers

Occasionally, try to surprise your regular customers with a gift card or a gift certificate at a local restaurant for a dinner. What you give away to a particular customer should be commensurate to what they actually spend with you because all clients will not be on an equal plane but try to reward and honour your customers in some way or the other.

Your best customers will always deserve special recognition. You could perhaps reward your clients with a platinum customer card to represent certain privileges. Also, you can customize this loyalty program for cement industry for the platinum customer card holders with discounts on new products or extended delivery hours to make them feel valued.

Develop a game plan for regular communication

Consider developing a monthly newsletter where you could feature certain helpful tips to make your customers know more about new product releases, and more. 

Some customers visit your store often whereas others don’t but never let them forget about you or your products. Sending mails can also be a helpful tool to stay connected with your customers.

Provide the best customer service

We all know that customer service is vital for building a loyalty program for cement industry but understand the level of service provided by your competitors and try to go an extra mile beyond that.

Definitely, there will be a chance of losing a little portion of money, but a simple act of business kindness, can retain the customers for life. Remember that little things can make a huge difference. Staying on top of the details allows your customers to know that you care. 

Get to know your customers and identify each of them personally

This has to be done intentionally in a loyalty program for cement industry. Direct your staff to search for unfamiliar faces and enquire the customers through them if they’ve been in your store before. If they have visited the store earlier, ask them to remind you of their name. 

If not, try to introduce yourself and ensure to remember their name. If necessary, jot it down in the customers’ name list when they leave and send a personal greeting which can go a long way towards developing customer loyalty. 

Be readily available

You may already have a 24/7 emergency number to contact you, if not, it is certainly worth considering. In case your clients contact you for the first time using this service where they couldn’t reach your competitors either being closed or unavailable), you can earn a great deal of good will with your customer! Additionally, try to extend the hours than your competitors. 

Read also Auto Dealership Loyalty Rewards Program.