Implementing a Loyalty program for Farmers in India

Implementing a Loyalty program for Painters in farmers
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Implementing a loyalty program for FARMERS in India.

Loyalty program for farmers are most important for the AGRO manufacturers to engage and retain the farmers. Farmers engagement at a very basic technology makes them feel more easy to participate in loyalty program.

farm boy loyalty program is also referred as farmer loyalty program.

What is farmer Loyalty Program?

Loyalty program is a strategy to increase sales from the farmers by giving incentives & Special gifts

Go through this video for better understanding

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Farmer Loyalty Implementation process

Agro-companies are purely depending on dealers and distributors.
Manufacturers have no data on their end users
CXBOX introduces a FARMER Loyalty Program.
Farmer details can be collected in a automated way.
Farmer goes to the distributor to buy some products.
Once the product is purchased a coupon is kept inside the packet.
A coupon code is placed in the Coupon
Farmer is instructed to send the coupon Code via SMS to the manufacturer Mobile number.
Farmer gets benefited with gifts, Free Recharge or cash back on each SMS.
Farmer gets a SMS notification that whether he won any gift or not
Farmer tries to buy the same product again and again to enjoy the gifts.
Manufacturer gets the contact details of all the End users of their product.
Manufacturer can do multiple types of loyalty programs when they have the details of all farmers.
To implement such loyalty programs for your end users.

Dial 9555995599

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CXBOX offers the best loyalty program for farmers to engage and automate the sales process. Agro Industry grows every year rapidly by more naufiacturers with agro products to the farmers. Agriculture based companies fail to create a effective channel network to increase sales. We offer the best loyalty programs and services for argue business to improve business. Farmer loyalty can be covered with farmer’s demographics like age, location, farming crops and much more.