9 Proven Loyalty Programs That Works – CXBOX

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9 Proven Loyalty Programs

Making a customer being loyal to a brand Is not that easy! Cxbox introduces few loyalty programs which worked for different categories of business. Loyalty programs are designed based on the activities of the customers which is difficult to create a predictable and repeatable strategy. Once the customer strategy is generated with an algorithm then Brands start incentivizing customers to buy again and again

Customer loyalty programs is defined as a marketing strategy that enables customers to get discounts or rewards based on their earlier shopping. Customer loyalty program makes customers loyal to the brand and engages them frequently with the brand

9 Proven Loyalty Programs
9 Proven Loyalty Programs That Works

Here are few proven loyalty programs by CXBOX in 2020 which really works

  1. The points program
  2. The Tier Program
  3. The coupon program
  4. The CASHBACK program
  5. The social program
  6. The CHARITY program
  7. The outlet to an online program
  8. The community program
  9. The referral program


The points program is created with a system to generate points to the customers while they make a new purchase and helps them to get offers/ discounts based on points in their shopping bucket.
Brands offer points as a welcome bonus also when a new customer becomes a member of their loyalty program.


Tier based loyalty programs makes the system to create a hierarchy for the loyal customers based on points or age of the customers or billing value etc as GOLD,SILVER AND DIAMOND MEMBER. Tier program is not but a s categorised customers and send them special offers.


Various discount coupons are generated by the brands and send to brand advocates. Brands offer coupons which is been valid in some stores where the customers footfalls are very less. Brands follow coupon program to increase footfalls in their stores.


cash back programs involves multiple brands or within a brand to increase brand audience for new brands. For example when you make a purchase in MAX FASHION you make receive a discount coupon ofcashback of BATA FOOTWEAR,this enable you to visit BATA showroom to redeem your offer.


social program is designed by the system to increase followers of a brand in social media or getting more reviews in google my business listings or reviews in social media pages of the brand.


charity program is done by the brands to help the public welfare association in the society.charity program can always be delivered to any of these forms of welfare for children, for old-age people, for poor people or somewhere in animal welfare also.


If a brand start their own ecommerce venture and have more loyal offline customers,they can convert the offline customers to try their online services by offering some welcome bonus points or discount coupons.


The loyalty system which makes the loyal customers to be involved in a comprehensive community programs by offering a community platform for the loyal members .
Community program enables members to connect with each other ,find inspirations and sign up for exclusive events.


The system which enables the customers to refer the brand to the family and friends with a positive feedback which brings new customer acquisition for the brands.

If you really need to know more about proven techniques in a loyalty program and implement in your business drop a mail to contact@cxbox.in or dial 95 5599 5599.